JBF Global Europe BV is a manufacturer of PET resin. The plant located in BE-Geel started operations as of July 2014 and is a ... next generation PET plant with state-of-the-art technology, allowing us to manufacture a PET resin with the lowest ratio of CO2 per produced KG of PET resin! Our PET facility has a direct pipeline connection with BP Chembel NV, supplying us with the majority of the needed PTA. The total annual production capacity is approx. 475’000 tons of PET resin divided over two UIF (Udhe Inventa Fisher) MTR (Melt-to-Resin) lines. Both lines are designed to process RPET flakes and BIO-MEG in order to cover the ever increasing demand for “GREENER” PET resin. In case you’re interested in any of the open vacancies please contact our HR department: Ann Jacobs (HR Executive) - ann.jacobs@jbfge.be Shirley Bialas (HR Executive) - shirley.bialas@jbfge.be JBF Global Europe BV Nijverheidsweg 4 2430 Laakdal Receptie: 014/281 800 Groene Telefoon 080013459 (De oproepers kunnen via de Groene Telefoon vragen stellen of meldingen formuleren in verband met het milieu en de veiligheid in en rond het bedrijf.) read more
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