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Jabber, Inc.

Computer Software ยท Denver, CO
Website: cisco.com

Cisco has acquired Jabber, Inc.. Please continue to follow Cisco on our company page on LinkedIn.http://www.linkedin.com/comp ... any/cisco Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) enables people to make powerful connections-whether in business, education, philanthropy, or creativity. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create the Internet solutions that make networks possible-providing easy access to information anywhere, at any time.Cisco was founded in 1984 by a small group of computer scientists from Stanford University. Since the company's inception, Cisco engineers have been leaders in the development of Internet Protocol (IP)-based networking technologies. Today, with more than 65,225 employees worldwide, this tradition of innovation continues with industry-leading products and solutions in the company's core development areas of routing and switching, as well as in advanced technologies such as: Filaments: Jabber Inc's presence blog read more

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