Ivey MSc Association - Similar companies

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Ivey MSc Association

Education Management · London, Ontario
Website: www.iveymsca.com

The Master of Science Association (MScA) is the representative body of the students in the MSc program at the Ivey Business S ... chool. The MScA derives its duties, responsibilities, and powers from its Constitution. It is the purpose and duty of the MScA to secure and promote the interests and welfare of the MSc students, inclusive of all CEMS, International Business (IB), Digital Management (DM), and Business Analytics (BA) students. Our four guiding principles are: 1. Collaboration 2. Accountability 3. Inclusivity 4. Results The MScA has the full power and authority to do all acts that are in furtherance of its purpose, including conducting business and acting for the common good of the MScA, its members and in fulfillment of its mission statement. Specifically, but not by way of limitation, the MScA has the full power and authority to collect, receive, hold and disburse funds for the general purposes of the MSc program, and to collect, receive, hold and disburse funds and property for the benefit of any MScA subsidiary, such as MSc Clubs. To be a member of the MScA, a student must be enrolled at the Ivey Business School’s MSc in Management program. Additionally, all MScA members must be in good academic and financial standing with the university and the MScA. MScA members, MScA Executives members, and MScA Club members must all meet the requirements or they will be suspended from any MScA-related activities immediately. Please reach out to us at iveymsca@ivey.ca for any questions or collaboration opportunities! read more

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