Iowa State University's Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - Similar companies

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Iowa State University's Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

Higher Education · Ames, Iowa

The Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching was established in 1993. Over the ensuing 25 years t ... he center has evolved in important ways including a name change, a significant expansion of staff and as a result a significant increase in reach across campus. Throughout all of this we have focused on our mission to support, promote, and enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning at ISU. CELT provides resources for instructors, faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdocs interested in teaching. We offer face-to-face one-off workshops, longer-term teaching and learning circles on selected topics, and facilitation of teaching and learning communities. We have also developed a rich set of online resources that support CELT’s mission and current initiatives available on our website. Our programs are designed to support those teaching across the arc of their professional careers. To achieve this some programs are designed to assist new instructors including term and tenure-track faculty members to establish their teaching program and focus on effectiveness. Other programs assist instructors in designing or refining a course to implement a different teaching approach. And yet other programs help faculty transform scholarly teaching into the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) research projects. Through all of our work, we collaborate with on-campus resources including college instructional support units and other centrally supported units such as the Dean of Students Office, Multicultural Student Affairs Office and the Academic Success Center. We work to leverage existing resources and help faculty make these important connections across campus. The CELT staff located in 3024 Morrill Hall are eager to consult with instructors on any teaching-related topic, from those centered on inclusivity, best practices in online and hybrid teaching, course development, and innovative teaching methods. read more

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