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Ionic Technology Group

Industrial Automation · LIvely, Ontario

We are a group of companies that are problem solvers. We seek to identify production/process problems within industry, and en ... deavours to provide innovative but commercially-viable solutions by the application of leading edge technology. This approach has led to the creation of a number of highly successful local and international companies, which offer a broad range of technology solutions to industry: Ionic Mechatronics - Automation for medium and heavy industry Ionic Automation - Automation for aerospace, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and automotive industries Ionic Tecnologias - Automation for the mining industry, serving Chile and the rest of South America Black Rock Engineering - Consulting engineering services for mining, heavy industry, municipal and commercial clients Variant Mining Technologies - Providing equipment solutions to the underground mining industry Synaptic Technologies – Built-for-purpose software and electronics If you are a producer/manufacturer with a production or process problem that requires an innovative solution, we invite you to contact us and discuss your application with our experienced engineers and managers. If you are someone with an innovative idea or solution to a problem within your industry but need the depth and experience of a team like ours to take the next step, we invite you to contact us and confidentially discuss your thoughts with our senior managers. read more

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