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Invotek Group

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing · Markham, Ontario

The Invotek Group of Companies provides highly reliable electronics manufacturing services, emphasizing superior customer ser ... vice, along with world-class quality, globally competitive pricing and on-time delivery. In addition, we offer highly skilled product design and engineering services. The Invotek Group is a global leader in electronics manufacturing services and we provide our customers with the “Your Factory” business model in a true collaborative partnership. The results are shared visions, increased efficiencies, and faster time to market. The Invotek Group of Companies is: • Mara Technologies, Inc. - manufacturing (Canada) • MagMara Technologies Asia, Ltd. - manufacturing (China) • InvoSolutions Limited - supply chain solutions (Hong Kong/USA/Canada) • Invotek Medical - equipment and supplies (Canada/USA) • Invotek Engineering - design & engineering (global) read more

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