Investors Direct Financial Group (IDFG) is a fully-integrated financial investment services firm, with commercial and retail ... operations throughout Australia and Asia. IDFG is proud of its heritage commencing as a retail mortgage broking business through to today where it has grown and diversified to meet market demand and service a variety of sectors including financial planning, real estate, property development, construction, funds management, mortgage broking and property management. Through IDFG’s expansion into the wholesale market, it now provides capital and investment opportunities not only to individuals but also to sophisticated investors and institutions, through high quality, sustainable investments supported by residential and commercial developments or through our world-class funds management company, ID Funds Management. IDFG prides itself on being able to transform its vision into tangible structures that generate new investment opportunities and exponential returns for all of its stakeholders. The Team at IDFG has the experience, knowledge and commitment to provide products and services that are unique to each business unit. Each business unit is led by a dedicated Industry professional that is focused on the commercial deliverables of the group yet they are always seeking new means and methods to improve results and remain successful. IDFG continuously reviews and refines its’ systems, processes and procedures in order to deliver an unparalleled level of excellence in the industry. Whilst the business continues to expand, Investors Direct Financial Group will never lose its focus on delivering the company’s mantra of offering exceptional customer service. read more
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