Integrand was founded in 1980 and has since then developed into a nationwide student organization with an extensive product p ... ortfolio. As a non-profit organization, Integrand’s mission is to bring students into contact with the business world. Our core values are transparency, integrity, professionalism, quality, and unity. Through our extensive product portfolio of internships, academic jobs, inhouse days, business courses, board functions, and labour market information, we act as a bridge between the academic student and the business world. Inspiration Our inspiration and drive come from the fact that during their academic studies, students hardly come in touch with the business world. While at the same time, companies demand more and more from students who are orientating themselves on the business world. We bridge this gap from both sides. We help students to prepare themselves for getting into contact with the business world and furthermore, we help companies finding the right students for their internships. National coverage Due to the fact that we have 12 offices, located in each university city in the Netherlands, we have a network of 18.000 students with a diverse set of studies and specializations, ranging from business administration, economics, and accounting to communication and law studies. This extensive student network enables us to find suitable students for companies in a wide range of branches and sectors. We have more than 30 years of experience in internship mediation for all types of businesses, from small and medium enterprises to multinationals. Thanks to our national coverage, we are the biggest academic internship mediator in the Netherlands. Contact: The basis of our organization is formed by twelve offices operating from different Dutch university studies. Interested in our services? Visit our website or contact us via: Integrand Nederland 030-2342111 read more
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