L'Istituto Itech è un istituto di ricerca scientifica, nello specifico, la ricerca e lo sviluppo di tecnologie avanzate dei m ... ateriali: ingegneria aerospaziale e satellitare, biotecnologia e bioFarm, educazione e sviluppo psicologico, sociale e della società umana. The IITE follows, in its research, an ethics for which it has obligations and above all respect for the planet (with the ECO + program), renewable energy (ENE +) and finally the human being himself, elevating him in a higher social plan (U2 +) What do we think now? "We are in an era in which, every moment and second, the discovered technology becomes obsolete and the newly discovered one becomes an instrument for the future. In thousandths of seconds, you can count the beauties that man can achieve, instead turning around, we can see the horrors of the past that the human himself has committed. Technology travels, like the ideas and thoughts of society, civilization and education of the new generations. We always think about the future, but never reserve the right to stop and say that what is now is the present moment, and that the past can only be a story told to subsequent generations " read more
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