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Market Research · Wellingborough

IMS Research (recently acquired by IHS Inc. (NYSE:IHS)) is a leading independent supplier of market research and consultancy ... to the global electronics industry. We offer syndicated market studies, customised client research and consultancy services. Our initial success as a provider of market research was heavily influenced by analyst ties to the semiconductor industry. Over the last decade of remarkable growth, we have expanded into most other sectors of the electronics industry, with dedicated analyst teams focussed on the factory automation, automotive, communications, computer, consumer, displays, financial & ID, LED & lighting, medical, power & energy, photovoltaic, Smart Grid and security markets. We now publish more than 350 reports annually and sell to over 2500 clients in 50 countries worldwide. Today IMS Research has over 125 analysts spread across six locations; Austin (TX), USA; Seoul, Korea; Shanghai, China; Taipei, Taiwan; Tokyo, Japan and Wellingborough, UK. Our global presence enables us to provide our clients with comprehensive and detailed research on today’s international markets. read more

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