Imperial College Finance Society - Similar companies

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Imperial College Finance Society

Financial Services ยท London

The Imperial College Finance Society (ICFS) is the premier society for students looking to break into the financial sector an ... d the foremost professional society at Imperial College London. We run educational courses, careers events and networking events throughout the year for over 1,000 annual members, making us the largest careers-focused society on campus and one of the largest in the country. Our ultimate aim is to provide our members with all the resources they need to land their dream job within the financial services sector. We boast some of the very best industry connections in London and have been consistently ranked as Britain's top university finance society. Through our excellent leadership, expansive support programmes, sector-leading sponsors and much, much more, we truly are every Imperial student's Key to The City. **Watch out for our excellent financial markets newsletter, coming soon to our website** read more

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