IMechE Victoria - Similar companies

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IMechE Victoria

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering ยท Melbourne, VIC

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is a UK based professional body with over 110,000 members worldwide. In Aust ... ralia and New Zealand, it is represented by almost 1,500 members, over 300 of whom are based in the state of Victoria. The Victoria Panel is committed to support its members by promoting technical lectures and visits, social networking events, competitions and other activities. Many of our activities are subsidised by the panel and count towards an engineer's Continuing Professional Development (CPD). We have strong links with local Universities, engineering employers and other professional bodies. We mentor young engineers, campaign on local issues affecting the engineering profession and are endorsed to carry out Professional Review Interviews (PRIs) for Chartered Engineer (CEng) candidates. The panel is well represented in the IMechE Oceania region, and contributes regularly to the institution's regional newsletter. read more

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