IDSA Philadelphia - Similar companies

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IDSA Philadelphia

Design ยท Philadelphia

The IDSA Philadelphia chapter was formed in 1976. At its peak, the chapter represented more than 100 members from Eastern Pen ... nsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware who specialize in a variety of different fields, including consumer products, furniture, lighting, exhibits, transportation, and medical equipment. IDSA headquarters is seeking volunteers to restart our "Philly" chapter. We think that a redeveloped chapter can once again sponsor events to bring local industrial designers together to learn from each other as well as network for business opportunities. Past activities included guest lectures, museum tours, software tutorials, manufacturing technique updates and portfolio reviews. Historically, the Philadelphia chapter has also active with its two accredited IDSA Student Chapters at The University of the Arts and Philadelphia University and University of Pennsylvania. If you live or work in the Philadelphia area and feel you have what it takes to be a leader of the design community, then please contact IDSA headquarters at or by calling 703.707.6000 x127. read more

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