IcareLabs - Similar companies

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Medical Devices ยท St. Petersburg, FL
Website: www.icarelabs.com

IcareLabs is a full service wholesale optical lab that was founded in 1968. With the 2nd and 3rd generations of the Payne fam ... ily leading the way, we have streamlined our lens processing to an art-form. Offering one of the widest selections of lenses and services to help our customers have patient's need's that are always exceeded is just one of our keys to success. Being a certified digital processing lab for Varilux, Shamir, Seiko, Kodak, as well as processing the full line of Crizal coatings in-house allow us to keep our costs low. This allows us to pass the savings on to our customers who always get our best price regardless of practice size or volume. read more

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