I.A.T.S.E./BAFA 119 - Similar companies

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I.A.T.S.E./BAFA 119

Broadcast Media ยท San Carlos, CA
Website: www.bafaia119.com

BAFA/IA 119 is a group of Broadcast Freelancers working together as Audio, Camera, Editors, Graphics, Stage Managers, Statist ... icians, Utilities and more. Our goal is to continue a tradition of creating programming with a wide variety of clients. Partners include Comcast, ESPN, Fox Sports, CNN, NBA, MLB, NHL, NFL, MLS, Time Warner and more. Together we create over 700 broadcasts a year throughout Northern California, North America and the world. For this skillset we seek industry standard wages, health care contributions and retirement monies for every hour worked. This business model is a win/win for both the employer and employee. read more

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