Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd - Similar companies

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Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Shipbuilding ยท Ulsan

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), founded by the late Chung Ju-yung on March 23, 1972 wrote the first chapter of its shipbuildi ... ng history in June, 1974 by completing construction of the world's largest shipyard and two 260,000-DWT VLCCs all at the same time. A decade after its first delivery, the Hyundai Shipyard topped 10 million deadweight tons in aggregate ship production, and has maintained the leading position in the world shipbuilding market ever since. Hyundai Shipyard's drive has mirrored the growth of modern Korean heavy industry, and our success has allowed us to expand into other heavy industry areas, ultimately leading to the formation of Hyundai Heavy Industries, an integrated heavy industry company. read more

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