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Hunkeler Systems AG

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering · Wikon, LU

Waste evacuation with a system – Hunkeler Systems Throughout the production process where automated waste handling systems im ... prove the productivity, that’s where Hunkeler Systems plays an important role all over the world. With industrial solutions like shredding, compacting, sorting and de-dusting of waste in the digital, graphic and packaging sector or even at high end customers in the security print market. The customer’s requirements are met in many segments in the industry including the central banks of the world. It starts from the compact solutions for small and medium volumes of waste and reaches out to the integrated customized factory system with a long life industrial design. One of the outstanding competencies of Hunkeler Systems is the turn key solution concept, as well as having their own software development department. All out of one system provider – it starts with a concept drawing, and planning and ends with the engineering, implementation, start-up and training. All with the Hunkeler service support that is ready whenever you need it and this for more than 2000 customers. read more

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