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Hume Travel

Hospitality · Vancouver, British Columbia

Hume Travel Corporation is an independent travel company serving the Vancouver and broader BC markets since 1983. Over the ye ... ars we have adapted to the rapidly changing dynamics of both the corporate world and the travel industry to consistently offer our customers the overall best solutions, value and service. We are delighted to say that many of our clients have chosen to stay with us through the years and we believe we’ve proven ourselves to be a trusted partner through our commitment to supporting their success as they travel the world going about their business. In 2013, Hume Travel was acquired by CTMS Travel Group Inc. (CTMS), an award winning travel management company with a reputation for personalized service and support. Ranked No. 231 on the 27th annual PROFIT 500, the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies, CTMS offers a comprehensive range of integrated travel management services providing clients with the technology and service to manage their business travel with maximum efficiency. For more information, visit read more

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