Horeca Logistics Services (HLS, Industrielaan 16-20 in Ternat) is an independant major distributor for the horeca and collect ... ivities with a very strong reputation with respect to its service an its “A”-brand productrange. The activities of HLS are, amongst others, the handling, the storage and distribution of beverages to hotels, restaurants, bars, disco’s, events, etc. Offer logistic support to Carlsberg Importers and VA.S.CO The main platform at Ternat, where the different companies of the group are centralized, has a surface of 12.000 m² warehouse and 2.500 m² offices. In order to have a flexible service throughout Belgium HLS set up platforms at Deerlijk (HLS West) with 6.000 m² warehouse and 400 m² offices and Wandre (HLS Sud) with 3.800 m² warehouse and 350 m² offices) Number of employees and workers = for the whole Haelterman-group : +/- 250 www.hls.be read more
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