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Honda Lock of America

Automotive ยท Bremen, GA

"Since its foundation in 1962, Honda Lock has been growing and developing globally, but we must continue to evolve to leap ev ... en further forwards." Based on this thinking, we implemented a company philosophy in April 2004 as the concept above our company principle and management policies leading the company to the place we would like to be. Our philosophy describes, in simple terms, our founder's beliefs and the fundamental thinking we value for continued corporate activity (philosophy) or sense of value. The accumulation of practice of each associate appreciating the philosophy as their own, will lead to the formation of a trusted company whose existence is valuable to others. Our fundamental beliefs, company principle, and management policies are the "Honda Lock Philosophy." All associates will appreciate and share the understanding of the corporate philosophy, rather than see it as mere collection of words, and we will put it into practice with pride and responsibility. The details and thinking behind it will be explained here to deepen the understanding of our philosophy. read more

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