Hollywood.com, LLC - Similar companies

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Hollywood.com, LLC

Entertainment · Boca Raton, Florida
Website: www.hollywood.com

Hollywood.com pioneers new ways to bring Hollywood’s stories to the world through technology. There is no place like Hollywoo ... d.com because Hollywood is a home for all of us. Part of the beauty of Hollywood is how it brings us all together to collectively experience a story. There’s truly no place like the movie theaters to experience a story, except it’s a huge pain to buy movie tickets and reserve your favorite seats. That’s why we’re saving moviegoers from the slow and clunky experience of older movie ticketing apps and bringing them the fastest and easiest way to buy movie tickets with the NEW Hollywood.com Movie Tickets App, coming soon. Hollywood.com: A Leader in Entertainment Technology For 30 Years We really do love Hollywood––the proof is in our name. We were the first site to nationally list movie theater showtimes back in the 90s. Since our launch, we’ve become a national leader for Hollywood content and an abundance of videos including movie trailers, interviews, and photographs and we’re continuing to come up with out-of-the-box tech solutions for the entertainment industry. Principally owned by Mitch Rubenstein and Laurie Silvers, the entrepreneurial couple who founded the SyFy channel and MovieTickets.com, we’re dedicated to bringing out the good in Hollywood. Mitch and Laurie are philanthropists, too––both serve on the boards of several non-profits and are committed to doing good in business. Laurie is Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the University of Miami. She is past Chair of South Florida PBS and currently serves on the Board of the PBS Foundation in DC. And, she is a long-time mentor for at-risk high school girls through the Women of Tomorrow organization. Laurie is also one of three co-founders of The Promise Fund, a non-profit which provides navigators to assist underprivileged women in dealing with cancer. For feel-good movie and entertainment stories, visit Hollywood.com. read more

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