High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom | Haut–commissariat du Canada au Royaume–Uni - Similar companies

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High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom | Haut–commissariat du Canada au Royaume–Uni

Government Relations · London, London
Website: www.unitedkingdom.gc.ca

The Canadian High Commission promotes Canada's interests in the United Kingdom in a variety of different ways through trade p ... romotion, political diplomacy, public events, education, military relationships, and digital diplomacy. Canada has been represented in London since 1761, and we are proud to be located in Canada House, our country’s front door to the UK since 1925. In the words of the Daily Telegraph, Canada House on Trafalgar Square demonstrated "both by its dominating position and by the magnificence of its interior, the enormous importance that Canadian affairs occupy in London". The High Commission employs more than 250 people, a mix of locally-based staff and diplomats from Canada. One of Canada’s largest diplomatic missions, the High Commission reflects the deep historic ties between Canada and the United Kingdom. read more

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