Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron SIX - Similar companies

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Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron SIX

Military · SAN DIEGO, CA
Website: www.airpac.navy.mil

HSC-6 is an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter squadron attached to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17. The Helicopter Sea Combat (HSC) commun ... ity is Manned and Unmanned Maritime Attack, Combat Support, and Airborne Mine Countermeasures. We are a force multiplier and the “Shield of the Fleet.” We are the first and last line of defense. We do not fail. The inherent versatility of HSC rotary wing aviation enables us to be the full-spectrum warfighting community across multiple mission-sets and diverse/distributed platforms. Wherever the fight is, we are there. Visit our webpages for more information: AirPac.Navy.mil/Organization/Helicopter-Sea-Combat-Squadron-HSC-6/ Facebook.com/HSCSIX Instagram.com/HSC6Indians read more

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