HELECTOR SA - Similar companies

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Environmental Services · Athens, Attica
Website: www.helector.com

HELECTOR S.A. is the Waste Management arm of the ELLAKTOR Group. HELECTOR is the leader regarding Waste Management in the are ... a of South Eastern Europe whereas its vertical development and expertise enables the company to provide solutions across the entire spectrum of the field of waste management (i.e. biological treatment , recycling, energy recovery from landfill biogas , leachate treatment plants etc.) and vertical activity (Designer - Manufacturer - Technology Provider - Operator - Investor). HELECTOR is an undisputed leader in the waste management sector in Greece and Cyprus, while the company is very active in Germany - the country with the strictest environmental criteria – operating a unit in the city of Osnabrueck and constructing waste management units in several German cities. Through its German subsidiaries - Herhof GmbH and Helector GmbH - HELECTOR is the only Greek company that has cutting edge technology (in-house and patent protected) related to waste management, covering the full range of biological treatment (aerobic treatment - anaerobic digestion). The design of the units is undertaken by the internal design team (in - house engineering), which gives great flexibility providing technological solutions and differentiates it from domestic competition by giving her the unique quality advantage so that it does not depend on third parties. The constant involvement of HELECTOR with the most innovative tested technologies and the practical application of these technologies, allows the company to maintain its leadership and high specialization required to follow the constantly changing areas of energy technology and environmental protection. read more

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