Heartland Community Health Center – Lawrence, KS - Similar companies

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Heartland Community Health Center – Lawrence, KS

Hospital & Health Care · Lawrence, KS
Website: heartlandhealth.org

Heartland is a non-profit medical clinic that exists to serve all community members, regardless of income. Heartland acknowle ... dges that we are more than just physical bodies, so we have dedicated ourselves to practicing holistic health care–a health model that focuses on physical health as well as emotional, social, and spiritual health. We provide a medical home for our patients by offering accessible, continuous, and compassionate care to ensure all needs are met. We offer a primary care medical clinic with integrated mental health care, a food pantry, and rent and utility assistance. We accept insured and uninsured patients. Uninsured patients are charged according to a sliding fee scale. All other services are free. read more

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