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Haymarket Beer Company

Food & Beverages · Chicago, Illinois
Website: haymarketbrewing.com

What does it mean to be proud of what you’d done, and to celebrate it at the end of a long, hard day? What does it mean to fe ... el like a neighbor to the stranger sitting next to you? What does it mean to know you have somewhere you belong? After many years of brewing and the many awards that have adorned Haymarket Beer, Peter L. Crowley understands a thing or two of what makes a great beer. We named our company – Haymarket Beer Company – in honor of those ideas and the people who took pride in them and worked hard to protect them. (That’s a great story, by the way, and you should read more about it.) We’ve built Haymarket out of everyday people – office workers and school teachers, stonemasons and police officers, plumbers and postal workers – with one promise: making great beer for great beer drinkers. It means that even as we grow, that we never lose sight of what got us where we are today – each other. Forgive us for getting mushy – this kind of stuff doesn’t come out well through a computer screen. Come and see us the next time you’re in town. We’ll show you what we mean. read more

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