Haven Property Managers & Advisors - Similar companies

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Haven Property Managers & Advisors

Real Estate ยท Superior, Colorado
Website: havenpm.com

Founded in 1968, Haven provides the highest level of quality real estate management services to multi-family properties, offi ... ce buildings, retail centers and homeowner associations all across Colorado and in various other states. Haven Capital, the sister company, specializes in multifamily investments through acquisition and property management services. Led by an executive team that combined possesses over 100 years of real estate industry experience, we have demonstrated investment expertise in the acquisition of existing assets that have opportunity to improve through physical upgrades or operational improvements, transforming them into exceptional leading-edge properties. As Multi-Family and Commercial managers, we work with our clients to enhance the values of, and income realized from, their properties. Through efficient and effective management, we are able to consistently deliver rental rates on our Multi-Family properties that are 10-20% above comparable properties while still maintaining high levels of occupancy, thereby maximizing the value of the properties we manage. Our multi-family and commercial properties experience market-leading financial reporting, tenant satisfaction and longevity, and value add through appropriate, but cost-conscious, maintenance. read more

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