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Havas Chicago

Marketing and Advertising · Chicago, IL
Website: chi.havas.com

We are driven by our relentless quest to be Chicago's most creative company by making a meaningful difference to brands, busi ... nesses and people. Havas Chicago brings an unmatched understanding of emerging consumers’ mindsets and behaviors, and a passion for embracing tomorrow’s trends shaping business and pop culture. Part of Havas Group, a leading integrated marketing communications agency, Havas Chicago fuses an independent spirit with global scale to support the network’s mission to make a meaningful difference to brands, businesses and people. We are passionate makers, creators, disruptors, and artists who don't color inside the lines. We work smarter. Push harder. Break things. Make things. And we're always looking forward. Our belief is that the only way to change culture is to create it. And we help make our clients successful by staying one step ahead. Havas Chicago has over 400 employees and a blue-chip client roster that includes Bel Brands, Citi, Hefty, Michelin, Moen, National Association of REALTORS, Pillsbury Baking, Reynolds Consumer Products, and more. read more

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