HauckSchuchardt Partnerschaft von Steuerberatern und Rechtsanwälten mbB - Similar companies

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HauckSchuchardt Partnerschaft von Steuerberatern und Rechtsanwälten mbB

Law Practice · Frankfurt am Main, Hessen
Website: www.hauckschuchardt.com

At HauckSchuchardt, we focus on real estate advice that generates success. Because for our clients, only the result counts. W ... e are a reliable contact for legal, tax and notarial advice on the real estate market. Expertise in two key areas that interact perfectly at our company. We will stand by your side and help you acquire, hold, manage or sell a property throughout its entire life cycle. With the crucial knowledge, flexibility and personal commitment, we offer tailored solutions. Because we successfully put theory into practice. Ever since the law firm was established by Henning Schuchardt and Hans-Christian Hauck in 2009, we have stood for combined performance in real estate consulting and comprehensive services from a single source. read more

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