HANSA-TMP S.r.l. - Similar companies

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Mechanical or Industrial Engineering ยท Modena
Website: www.hansatmp.com

Funded in 1984 in the heart of the Italian Hydraulic Valley, HANSA-TMP creates maximum added value for the customers by desig ... ning, manufacturing and distributing hydraulic and electrical components and engineering system integration solutions for mobile, industrial, marine and wind applications. We ensure long-term customer satisfaction by providing a winning mix of innovation and technology, characterized by a wide product portfolio, team of specialists, high quality, fast deliveries, short time to market and geographical market coverage. OUR VALUES We are passionate about technology and committed to continuous innovation. We develop long-term partnerships with our customers to bring success to their businesses. We believe in an open environment to encourage creative talent. Winning as a team is our goal. Certifications: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certification ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Certification Company Locations: HANSA-TMP HEADQUARTER and OPERATIONS MODENA (Italy) HANSA-TMP ENGINEERING MODENA (Italy) HANSA-TMP MILAN SALES AND SERVICE OFFICE (Italy) HANSA-TMP SHANGHAI SALES AND SERVICE OFFICE (China) HANSA-TMP FRANKFURT SALES AND SERVICE OFFICE (Germany) HANSA-TMP MOSCOW SALES AND SERVICE OFFICE (Russia) read more

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