We are a central London firm with an international presence through offices in Dubai. Insolvency This team’s extensive experi ... ence means it is well placed to offer constructive and pragmatic advice on a wide range of troubled situations, focusing firstly on rescue or, where not possible, formal insolvency. Their specialists excel in complex, contentious and creditor assistance work. Litigation The Litigation Team brings a high degree of experience to the identification, investigation and litigation of insolvency, debt and asset recovery claims. The team’s work stretches from small preference to multi-jurisdictional high value claims. They also offer a litigation service to other IPs working on a joint basis or under contract; provide litigation funding and work on a CFA to meet the on-going legal costs of claims. Forensics The Forensic Accounting Team undertakes investigations linked to insolvency situations and in relation to a broad range of commercial disputes, including suspected and complex frauds, often spanning jurisdictional boundaries. The Forensic IT service uses bespoke software to identify claims and sift for evidence. Their work in litigation support and professional conduct has proven useful in providing expert witness support and mediation assistance. read more
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