Greenmead School is a maintained special day school for children aged 2-11 years. All pupils who attend Greenmead have a Stat ... ement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan. The school specialises in educating pupils with severe physical disabilities including those with profound and multiple learning difficulties and complex health needs. We ensure all pupils follow a curriculum including an adapted National Curriculum which is differentiated and highly personalised to enable us to meet their individual educational needs. As well as academic progress the school aims to develop key skills including social and emotional well-being, communication, physical development including mobility and thinking and life skills. Pupils are encouraged to develop their communication skills, be independent and physically healthy with a focus on motivating pupils to engage in and enjoy the curriculum in order to better enable them to make as much progress from their starting points as possible. We work closely with colleagues in health and social care to provide integrated therapies throughout the school day and to support our work with families to ensure all children can reach their full potential. read more
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