Greenlane Holdings, Inc. - Similar companies

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Greenlane Holdings, Inc.

Consumer Goods ยท Boca Raton, Florida

Greenlane (NASDAQ: GNLN) is a full-service, global platform for bringing premium products to market in the burgeoning head sh ... op, smoke shop, dispensary channels and beyond. Since 2005, Greenlane has worked diligently to build a reputation as the industry leader by meeting the needs of our customers, suppliers, and the end-users of the products we represent. We have achieved this by offering the most innovative products at competitive prices, providing white glove customer service, and processing orders quickly with unparalleled, highly efficient operations and logistics. During this time, we have grown to over 200 employees with operations in eight cities across the United States and Canada, including six highly-automated distribution centers, and we continue to grow by finding ways to better serve the needs of our customers and suppliers. As the industry rapidly evolves, no one is better positioned than Greenlane to serve the sophisticated marketplace of tomorrow. read more

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