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Consumer Goods ยท Pleasanton, California

Contact Us for a FREE quote....925-290-9778 or at GrassTech specializes in lawn beatification for resi ... dential and commercial business. Installing synthetic grass provides features of a great looking "lawnscape" all year long and stays looking great in direct sunlight. With our exclusive relationship with "Tiger Turf" we offer several grass types, styles and heights. With turf designed to stay cool you and your pets will enjoy fun outdoor time on the turf together. "Tiger Turf" will enhance your curb appeal, eliminate the need for any investment of your time and or money on the use of toxic lawn products containing anti-earth chemicals. Tiger Turf will also significantly reduce your outdoor water usage. Depending on style selected life-span expectancy can range up to 15 years and or longer. Feature statement = Great looking lawn all year long with little to no maintenance and reduces cost on water usage and previous lawn care products or services. ( Rebates often available from local Water district) ( rebate policy will differ by district ) Benefit statement = Creates time!! Time for other more important things (Family, Beach, Surfing, Reading, etc.) Based on your current annualized cost of maintenance; synthetic grass will often have positive ROI in a few short years and with a Life span of 15-20 years you now have one less thing on your "to do" list. read more

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