GradImages is the world’s largest commencement photography business, capturing the accomplishments of over 1.7 million gradua ... tes each year through GradTrak®, our unique image-management software system designed exclusively for commencement ceremonies. Commencement Photography is our specialty, and each of our professional photographers are trained to capture the optimal images of the graduates without disrupting the decorum of the commencement ceremony. Our customized GradTrak® system allows us to quickly identify each individual image, and present those images directly to each graduate to view, share and purchase. The final products are produced in a professional photo lab, and delivered expediently with a satisfaction guarantee. Our clients include the largest universities and high schools across the United States and Canada. We have been photographing commencements for more than 30 years, and we fully appreciate that each of our photos captures a cherished milestone in the lives of graduating students and their families. read more
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