GPS International - Similar companies

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GPS International

Oil & Energy ยท Spring, Texas

Since our start in 2002, GPS and our company in Mozambique- Champlain Group Mozambique LDA, have refined our business process ... es to go above and beyond the expectations of our clients by standing firm on the Core Values of GPS. GPS provides an innovative approach toward technical services, workforce solutions and business management services to multiple industries. Our clients are major oil and gas operating companies, multinational energy service companies, multinational engineering and construction companies and small businesses. We are able to deploy worldwide the best consultants for significant roles and we find employment or positions for accomplished and skilled individuals. Our goal is to invest the necessary time to listen, understand, and deliver the needs and requirements of a project. We target these project needs and help our clients make timely, cost effective decisions. We are devoted to our people and we believe in doing the right things in the right way. In doing so, we develop positive results and deliver fit for purpose solutions. read more

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