Industrial electronics is a curious case. Takes long to build, takes much to consider, and even more to hone once designed. H ... ow? The team defines the company. When the team is focused on developing solutions that are technically advanced, perfects its manufacturing base, and hones relationships with the customers in technical support, a lot can be achieved. Today, our R&D team counts several hundred engineers, many of them holding Master and PhD degrees, in electronics, IT, software development. Even more exciting, that at some point we started having engineers with “computer” last names, so that they are fully dived into the topic. Having own R&D team provides us with flexibility on changing the designs when necessary. To manufacture our products we partnered with a factory, specialized on industrial electronics, that manufactures everything according to our designs, meticulously following every letter written. The factory has testing facility with temperature chamber, equipment for electromagnetic and metrological testing to ensure proper operation of the equipment produced. All the processes are ISO 9001:2008 certified. Today we are inviting you to be the judge of our solutions. And let us be next to you to hold your hand. read more
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