Gothaer Bildungsgesellschaft mbH Gobi - Similar companies

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Gothaer Bildungsgesellschaft mbH Gobi

Higher Education ยท Gotha, Thuringia

Gothaer Bildungsgesellschaft mbH Gobi is a non-profit orientated company running different schools. In 1991 we started with t ... he "Private Medizinische berufsfachschule Gotha", which is a vocational school training geriatric nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists. The school was extended in 2001 with courses in early child care and pre-school teaching. Except 'early child care' (2 years) all courses involve a 3 year training. The Aktiv-Schule Emleben is a fully governmental accredited primary school, founded in 1999. Aktiv-Schule Erfurt is a fully governmental accredited primary and secondary school, ranging from class 1 to the A-Levels (12 years) and was founded in 2008. read more

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