Gorham Savings Bank - Similar companies

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Gorham Savings Bank

Banking · Gorham, Maine
Website: www.gorhamsavingsbank.com

We are a community bank focused on doing what’s best for our customers -- whether it’s providing a new service that works for ... more people, or taking the time to ask what more we can do to help. We offer every convenience for banking off-site or on-line, but never, ever compromise on personal attention. And proud as we are of our history dating back to 1868, our sights are firmly -- and optimistically -- set on what’s ahead. Gorham Savings Bank is dedicated to improving the economic and social well-being of our customers and the communities we serve and committed to be the leading financial service provider in creating economic growth, prosperity, and financial security for the citizens and communities of Southern Maine by: • Developing and delivering quality products and services to our customers. • Establishing a workplace environment that attracts and retains highly motivated, high performing employees. • Achieving sound financial results which will allow us to reinvest in our company and in our communities in a meaningful and sustainable manner. read more

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