www.Gobigshoppe.com is a multi-product online sales website with resourcing from product warehouses in the United States of A ... merica, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany and Russia. We can ship all other products, not stored at these centres, from wholesalers in China. Countries with no direct access to our wholesalers are entirely serviced from China with a 99% delivery rate on all products. Our product pricing is extremely competitive, with comparable sites with free worldwide shipping. No extra charges are levied for shipping. Products available in the local warehouse are shipped within 3 to 7 working days depending on COVID related transport situation. Products shipped from China take a longer time of up to 2 to 3 weeks. Please note that warehouses in Russia, EU, UK and USA can only ship within the respective country. If you select any of these warehouses, then make sure your shipping address is in the same country else the shipping will be automatically changed to China. If the price differential cannot be recovered for taxes and other related costs, the order will be cancelled with a full refund of your money. We always suggest other similar products or interact with the client for opting for other shipping locations before processing refunds. Our products range from Baby clothing, women, clothing and accessories to Household and kitchen products. Best way to search for our products is to write the description in the search bar or simply browsing through our various categories. At times a product may appear in two or more categories for its relevance to other categories. We add over 5000 products every week as we build the product portfolio on our store. We will be glad to hear from customers to help us bring their requirements to the online store. We will try to always remain relevant without over-crowding our store offerings. We look forward to your patronage and support. TEAM GOBIGSHOPPE.COM read more
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