The UK's #1 Motivational Programme serving the Public Sector, GOALS helps the hardest to reach individuals, including the lon ... g-term unemployed, young people, ex-offenders, homeless, lone parents and IB recipients. Our unique motivational training programmes combines the very best of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), positive psychology, the psychology of employment and a healthy dose of common sense. As Front Line staff face increasingly complex and multiple needs from their service users, GOALS acts as a catalyst in speeding up 'work-readiness' and sustainability, By building self-esteem and resilience, and challenging the way people think, feel and behave, individuals are engaged, focused and motivated to move towards a brighter future. As a market leader we have advised government and informed policy in the UK, Australia and the US. Within the UK we have worked with many of the major providers including: Remploy, New Deal, OLASS, Pathways, Support Contract and JMA, Nacro, Serco, etc. – helping more than 150,000 people back into sustained education or employment. read more
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