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GlyMed Plus

Health, Wellness and Fitness · Provo, Utah

For 30 years, GlyMed Plus® has been a renowned leader in the skincare industry, offering a complete range of Professional Onl ... y products, combining technologically advanced ingredients with certified botanicals to produce amazing results. We are committed to the industry. For this reason, GlyMed Plus has remained "Purely Professional," choosing not to follow "professional brands" that have made their way to the cosmetic counters, department stores, and online discount sites. Putting the licensed professional first, GlyMed Plus devised The Institute of Skin Science. Since its establishment, it has taught hundreds of classes to thousands of licensed professionals. Not only is The Institute of Skin Science the first to offer higher education, but it is the first to provide moderate to advanced education courses. Dedicated to the support and growth of the skincare professional, GlyMed Plus has revolutionized the industry with its award-winning products, education, and first of its kind technology—REGEN Retail. REGEN Retail is a free platform that connects the licensed professional with their retail clients, offering a modern eCommerce shopping experience. It generates additional revenue and improves working capital and cash flow for the esthetician. Visit for more information. read more

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