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Global Visual Group

Wholesale · New York, NY

Bernstein Display is extremely excited to announce its acquisition of Global Visual Group, headquartered in Brooklyn, New Yor ... k. The acquisition is effective as of July 14th, 2017. The two companies will operate out of Bernstein Display’s current showroom and headquarters on 25th Street in Manhattan. “The acquisition of Global Visual Group’s legacy brands, Lifestyle Forms and Viaggio Fabrics, as well as its holiday and decorative trim business, will enable our organization to expand its product lines, manufacturing capabilities, and customer service to all clients, while increasing our market share across numerous supply categories,” according to Bernstein Display CEO Roger Friedman. Mitch Bernstein, COO of Bernstein Display, adds, “With the acquisition of Lifestyle and Viaggio, Bernstein Display looks forward to continuing its tradition of supplying high-quality products and best-in-industry customer service, while expanding merchandising possibilities and manufacturing capabilities to new and existing clients.” Bernstein Display is an international leader in the sale and manufacture of mannequins, forms, fixtures, and accessories for the visual merchandising industry. The addition of Lifestyle Forms and Viaggio Fabrics brings decades of additional merchandising experience, from holiday décor and seasonal trim to decorative accessories and fabric applications. “I believe this addition to our company will give us the opportunity to build upon and expand our strengths and to help us enhance our value in the market as a leading supplier for turn-key solutions in the visual merchandising and hospitality industries,” concludes Friedman. By VMSD Reader, Posted July 20, 2017 read more

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