Global Organization of Oil and Gas Professionals Inc. - GOOGPro - Similar companies

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Global Organization of Oil and Gas Professionals Inc. - GOOGPro

Oil & Energy ยท Houston, Texas

Established in 2014 in Houston Texas - USA, GOOGPro previously AGOGPro represents Global Oil and Gas Professionals of more th ... an 100 jurisdictions in nearly 120 countries. GLOBAL RECOGNITION AGOGPro is the only globally recognized membership and training organization dedicated to offering the highest quality benefits, expertise, best practices, and professionalism to their members in the oil and gas industry. AGOGPro and AGOGPro Members are truly dedicated to the advancement of the Oil and Gas Profession. AGOGPro provides a common base of understanding, terminology and a broader perspective on the opportunities in oil and gas industry through the contributions of its Members. AGOGPro MEMBERSHIP Being an AGOGPro Member demonstrates a commitment to growing the global Oil and Gas Industry by contributing professionally to the industry starting from national level to the international stage. AGOGPro emboldens knowledge sharing and experiences among members. AGOGPro Members have access to real-world experiences from peers around the globe in organizations of every size and type through their Member benefits. This being experiences from institutions of training as well. Members learn how to establish and incorporate an AGOGPro program as part of their professional development. Members also learn to make a difference by getting involved in current events that are shaping the global oil and gas industry. read more

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