Global Facilities Maintenance Australia - Similar companies

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Global Facilities Maintenance Australia

Facilities Services ยท SEVEN HILLS, New South Wales

Global Facilities Maintenance has been delivering comprehensive Programmed Maintenance and Reactive Service solutions to larg ... e commercial food, beverage and industrial equipment for customers across Australia for over 30 years. We provide food & beverage equipment installation, warranty servicing, programmed maintenance and reactive services for bakery, butchery, delicatessens, clubs, cafes, restaurants and more. We can also provide an overall facilities maintenance solution to government, commercial, retail, industrial, health/aged care clients. Global also services complex and diverse ranges of equipment and facilities for large corporate clients across Australia. Global Facilities Maintenance has the size and reach to ensure that our clients get the service levels and ongoing support they need. We invest heavily in technology, training and product knowledge so that our technicians are equipped to deal with almost any symptom any kitchen equipment can throw at them. As an agent for many high quality European food and beverage equipment manufacturers, we have deep knowledge of a wide array of both food and beverage equipment. Being part of the Dunbrae Group of Companies, we can also source and supply the most comprehensive range of parts and replacement equipment in Australia. read more

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