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Glen Raven

Textiles · Glen Raven, NC

Glen Raven, Inc.’s organization is divided into three operating subsidiaries – Glen Raven Custom Fabrics, Glen Raven Technica ... l Fabrics and Tri Vantage. Glen Raven Custom Fabrics, makers of Sunbrella® fabrics, focuses primarily on awning, marine, furniture, RV and convertible car top markets. Custom Fabrics also includes the French subsidiary, Dickson-Constant, which is a market leader in Europe and around the world in awning, marine, casual, residential and specialty fabrics. Glen Raven Technical Fabrics focuses on a broad array of performance fabric applications, including automotive headliners, protective work apparel (GlenGuard® FR), fabrics for the military, outdoor fabrics, sailcloth, flags and banners. Dickson Coatings, a segment of Glen Raven Technical Fabrics, offers a wide range of structural fabrics for marquees, tents and hangers. Dickson Coatings fabrics are also used for truck tarpaulins, industrial doors, swimming pool covers, banners and partitioning and industrial applications such as automotive and aviation ducting, machine bellows and gaskets, conveyor belts, industrial ducting and building ventilation. Another segment of Glen Raven Technical Fabrics is Glen Raven Logistics. Originally created in the 1960s as Glen Raven Transportation, Glen Raven Logistics has evolved into a growing less-than-truckload (LTL) carrier. It serves markets in the Northeast, West Coast and Mexico. In addition, Glen Raven Logistics provides a full range of logistical services, covering air, ocean and ground transportation. Trivantage is Glen Raven’s newest subsidiary, created in 2007 following the company’s acquisition of The Astrup Company and John Boyle & Company, two major distributors of awning and marine fabrics and accessories. Prior to the acquisition, Glen Raven, Astrup and Boyle had been trade partners for more than 100 years. read more

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