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Glavé & Holmes Architecture

Architecture & Planning · Richmond, Virginia

Established in 1965, Glavé & Holmes Architecture is a nationally recognized architecture, interior design and planning firm l ... ocated in Richmond, Virginia. Our regionally focused design practice has cultivated expertise in six specialty areas. Each area is supported by a studio structure - Cultural, Higher Education, Hospitality, Interior Design, Residential, and Urban Architecture - allowing us to provide the expertise necessary for a diverse portfolio that involves new buildings, additions to buildings, and renovations or adaptive reuse. We strive to create a context-specific design that fits seamlessly into the cultural and historical milieu of a given community, while addressing the functional needs of the people who will interact with our buildings and spaces. We value a collaborative process that involves the client and the various design disciplines in a dynamic exchange of ideas and concepts. We believe that great design is contextual, timeless and has the capacity to engage the intellect and elevate the human spirit. read more

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