Gigomy - Similar companies

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Human Resources · Monterey, California

At Gigomy, we make managing contingent workforce a breeze. "You Source. We Hire." exactly explains what we do; you identify y ... our ideal candidate for a project or position, and we hire them on as our W2 employee (or 1099 contractor). As the official Employer of Record, we handle all of the onboarding, paperwork, taxes, fees, benefits, liabilities, and anything else associated with the worker. We give your company the ability to scale up or down with minimal impact on your infrastructure. In the same way technology is constantly evolving, Gigomy adapts to the latest market trends ensuring your company operates at peak performance. Our tailored solution works regardless of whether you’re working with contractors, consultants, freelancers, former employees, or retirees. You Source. We Hire.™ read more

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