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Geecon Systems

Information Technology and Services ยท London

Headquartered in London, United Kingdom, Geecon combines a passion for Client Satisfaction, Technology Innovation, Business a ... nd Management Consultancy, Software Solution and IT Consultancy. Geecon offers a wide range of products and services to help the local business cope with today's increasingly complex global business challenges which includes but not limited to IT & Software Services, Resourcing & HR Management, mobile device management solutions and Marketing & Branding.Geecon helps customers to do business better leveraging our industry-wide experience, deep technology expertise, comprehensive portfolio of services and a vertically aligned business model. In today's world, organizations will have to rapidly reengineer themselves and be more responsive to changing customer needs. Geecon is well positioned to be a partner and co-innovator to businesses in their transformation journey, identify new growth opportunities and facilitate their foray into new sectors and markets. The edge of Geecon lies in its ability to draw upon a well equipped global network and teaming this with customized services of a local office. Integrated approach combines insight and innovation from multiple disciplines with business and industry knowledge to help the clients excel anywhere irrespective of geographical boundaries. For more information you can visit our website to see & learn how we can help read more

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