GAMMA is an Icelandic asset management company, operating under a license from, and supervised by, the Icelandic Financial Su ... pervisory Authority. GAMMA is authorized to operate UCITS funds and other funds for collective investment and provide investment advice in accordance with Icelandic Act on Financial Undertakings no. 161/2002. GAMMA Capital Management Limited, the financial advisory business, has received confirmation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) that it is now authorised and regulated to carry out investment business in the UK. GAMMA was established in June 2008 and has approx. 1.4bn USD under management for pension funds, insurance companies, financial institutions, companies and individuals. GAMMA Radgjof, GAMMA's Economic Advisory Services, has provided economic advisory services and consultation services to the Icelandic government, the Icelandic Parliament, international investors, large companies and municipalities. GAMMA calculates and publishes seven indices daily relating to the Icelandic markets, available on Bloomberg (Bloomberg Ticker: GAMMA <ALLX>), a Corporate Bond Index, Equity Index, Government Bond Index, Multi Asset Index, Covered Bonds Index, Inflation Linked Bonds Index and Nominal Bonds Index. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starfsleyfi GAMMA tekur til reksturs verðbréfasjóða og annarra sjóða um sameiginlega fjárfestingu, fjárfestingarráðgjafar og stýringu á fjármálagerningum. Á undanförnum árum hefur félagið veitt mörgum af stærstu fyrirtækjum landsins ráðgjöf, auk þess að vinna greiningar fyrir stjórnvöld, sjóði, sveitarfélög og erlenda aðila. GAMMA er með yfir 140 milljarða króna í stýringu fyrir m.a. lífeyrissjóði, tryggingarfélög, bankastofnanir, fyrirtæki og einstaklinga. read more
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